In January of 2020, I did the Live Naked Mind, 30 Day Alcohol Experiment.
(Best $47 I ever spent!) My mind was blown, as I felt like I had awoken from the Matrix and saw the truth about what alcohol really is and does. And I was literally and figuratively restored to my senses. After 30 days, I felt, and looked so much better. I was never going to drink again!!! Well, not so fast. It turned out staying awake to my newfound truth wasn’t so easy. So I committed to continuing to work with the Naked Mind protocols as well as a Certified NM Coach, and over time, my cognitive dissonance moved toward congruency.
I now feel like one person, no longer two people at war! This leaves me so much time and energy to pursue my true creative passions, and the things in life that give me an authentic happiness: making art, hiking, meditation…. and I have become a Certified NM Coach. I am deeply inspired to play it forward and support anyone who wants to make the jail break that was made possible for me! I have discovered that this process can help heal any cognitive dissonance we may have in other areas of our lives.
My passion is working with other creatives, yogis and queers (LGBTQ+) who have a hunch their lives might be better if they drank less or not at all.